
I do not like green eggs and ham...

Wait, yes I do!! I like them, Sam, I am!

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! I'm not Irish, but I sure love green. =) It just might be my second favorite color. So, here's some lovelies to look at. Enjoy!

LinkI got this canvas as a gift from my grandmother for my graduation last year. I can't wait to hang it up in my own kitchen someday soon!Link

This dress is so cute!

I have a friend who is an AMAZING photographer. He and his wife work together to take absolutely gorgeous shots and edit them to truly capture the most amazing moments in life. You should check them out at Turley Photos.

(Click images for sources.)

Have a fabulous St. Patty's day and a good weekend. I should have some fun scrap stuff to share with you next week!

-Jenn (with 2 N's)

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