
Fabulous Friday Finds

I'm an avid internet peruser, so I come across tons of fabulous finds all the time. And what good would they be if I just kept them all to myself?

So here we have Fabulous Friday Finds! I'll be sharing a few of the things I've found, and hopefully you'll love them as much as I do!

Happy Fabulous Friday lovelies! (Click on the pictures to be linked to the websites.)

Let me just a say, I love Kevin {&} Amanda. She is a wonderful blogger, and I'm a faithful follower of hers. She's always got awesome recipes (um, hello brownies!) and photography tips, and wonderful things to share.

So besides all that, how absolutely AMAZING and FABULOUS do these brownies look? *drool* *swoon*

She mixed chocolate chip cookie dough with brownies and oreos. And ice cream. And hot fudge sauce. I can just feel my body going into diabetic shock from just looking at the picture! I must make these...soon!

I'm really not even sure how I came across The Frugal Girls, but their site is delightful. If you enjoy saving money, this is the place to visit! I am a fan of their page on Facebook, and they post coupons all day long. Of course, there will be some that you just simply can't use, but they post so often that you are bound to find something you like!

Let's level here girls...if there's one thing that's beyond fabulous, it's these red pumps. When I found them I almost died. Then I came too and almost died again. Just kidding. :) But really, they're just fabulous. No other words! And they have them in my size! *score*

So I'm not sure how this made it on to my fabulous list, but I must say, I love it. I'm a bit of a nerd/geek, so when I found Think Geek I was in heaven. It's the coolest shop with the geekiest, nerdiest items you will ever find. But they're all just fabulous.

This scratch & scroll mousepad is just ridiculously fun and functional. Did you ever have a magic slate as a kid? I know I did! And this is exactly what this is! It comes with a stylus so you can doodle and draw notes on your mousepad, and when you want to have a clean slate, just lift up the semi-transparent sheet and voila! it's clean. Oh and did I mention it's under $20? Yes, please!

Now go have a fabulous Friday and a blessed summery weekend! That's an order!

-Jenn (With 2 N's)

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