
Happy Weekend!

Today I'm attending our annual Ladies Conference for all the women in the entire state of Oklahoma. I look forward to November every year, because Ladies Conference is truly one of my favorite times. There's nothing like getting 1000+ women together all praising God and having a good time together.

It's even more dear to me because it was at Ladies Conference two years ago that I made a decision that's affected the entire course of my life. It scares me to think what could have happened had I not made the changes I needed to make, and had God not placed the speakers there to say exactly what I needed to hear.

I saw this quote the other day, and it so perfectly fits what I've been feeling.

I'm excited to see what words of encouragement God will place on the speakers hearts to give to us this weekend. I hope everyone else has an equally refreshing weekend!

-Jenn (With 2 N's)

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